JEANNETTE CARBALLO CRUZ was born in Costa Rica, in a small village in the Province of Alajuela called Naranjo; a land rich with nature, an ideal setting for nurturing artistic talent.

Naranjo enjoys a generous climate, framed by high mountains and extensive coffee farms; a land of modest people, farmers, harvesters of coffee, the golden crop that for so many years has underpinned the Costa Rican economy and supported so many families.

In all these years, Jeannette Carballo has been inspired by this living nature which is expressed from deep within her in every brush-stroke of her work; the experiences of her childhood are reflected in her paintings: the coffee-pickers, children, farmers and this semi-tropical world in a botanical setting revealed in all the detail of the local flora and fauna contrasting the human figure.



University: General studies, first year of Philology, University of Costa Rica

1980: One year of oil painting techniques with the artist Marthalicia Almeida

1982-1986: Art appreciation with Alberto Icaza

Autodidactic studies



2007 “I Biennale of Painting”, Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (ICE), San José, Costa Rica

2000 “Recreando Memorias (Recreating Memories)”, Gallery Joaquín García Monge, San José, Costa Rica

2000 “De Angeles y Recuerdos (Of Angels and Memories)”, The Children´s Museum, San José, Costa Rica

1999 “Pintando Sueños (Painting Dreams)”, National Training Institute (INA), San José, Costa Rica

1996 “Campesinos”, Ellen Traut Collection, Harford, Connecticut, USA

1993 “Ilusiones (Illusions)”, Entrance-hall of Melico Salazar Theatre, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport and the Museum of Costa Rican Art, San José, Costa Rica

1986 “Pinturas Jeannette Carballo (Jeannette Carballo´s Paintings)”, Sala José Figueres, National Printing Works, San José, Costa Rica

1986 “Temas de la Naturaleza (Themes from Nature)”, Exhibition hall of the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE), San José, Costa Rica



2007 “Valoarte”, The Children´s Museum, San José, Costa Rica

1997 “La Mujer de Hoy y Siempre (The Woman of Today and Always)”, Homage to the famous Costa Rican sportswomen, Sylvia and Claudia Poll, Gallery of Native Art, San José, Costa Rica

1997 “Isidro con Wong & Jeannette Carballo”, Gallery of Native Art, San José, Costa Rica

1996 “Women’s Voices from Central America”, Francisco Oller and Diego Rivera Museum, Buffalo, New York, USA

1994 Gallery Bonheur, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

1993 “III Meeting of First Ladies of The Americas and The Caribbean”, Washington D.C., USA

1993 “500 años del Descubrimiento de América (500 years of the Discovery of America)”, The Children´s Museum, San José, Costa Rica

1993 “Salones Nacionales (National Salons)”, The Museum of Costa Rican Art, San José, Costa Rica

1992 “V L&S Biennale of Costa Rican Painting”, The Gold Museum of the Costa Rican Central Bank, San José, Costa Rica

1990-91 “National Insurance Institute (INS) Anniversary”, The Jade Museum, INS, San José, Costa Rica

1990 “Caracteres de Identidad en Pueblos Iberoamericanos (Characters of Identity in Iberoamerican Peoples)”, VII Iberoamerican Art Biennale, The Museum of Modern Art, Mexico DF, Mexico

1990 “Visiones Edénicas (Eden-like Visions)”, Mexican Cultural Centre, San José, Costa Rica

1989 “Encuentro entre dos mundos (Meeting of Two Worlds)”, 1989 IICA Painting Prize, San José, Costa Rica

1989 Association of Art Critics and Commentators, Miami, USA

1988 “Los Niños en la Pintura Iberoamericana de Hoy (Children in Today´s Iberoamerican Painting)”, VI International Biennale, The Palace of Fine Arts, Mexico DF

1988 “XXII Monte Carlo International Prize for Contemporary Art”, Monte Carlo, Monaco

1987 “I International Biennale of Painting”, The Museum of Modern Art, Cuenca, Ecuador

1983-86 “La Nueva Pintura de Costa Rica (The New Costa Rican Painting)”, The National Museum, San José, Costa Rica

1981-83 “Salón Anual de Nuevos Valores (Annual Salon of New Talents)”, The Costa Rican North American Cultural Center, San José, Costa Rica