Jeannette Carballo Cruz.

I was born and grew up in Naranjo, a rural area filled with nature, surrounded by beautiful rivers and steep hillsides covered in vegetation, a rich variety of birds and butterflies which I could almost catch in my hands.

I used to love to watch the straightforward, hard-working people who came from the Province of Guanacaste to pick coffee on my father’s farm with their bronzed skin product of our bountiful land and bringing with them the rains that as they fall give off such a special smell.

The country people, upstanding, fine, straightforward and hard-working, with whom I felt a great affinity, strong working people whose faces reflected such nobleness.

My house faced onto the village square, the church and the school; a wonderful climate, like an eternal spring, the square with its fruit trees, flowers and brightly coloured benches where we used to rest after our bicycle rides and roller-skating.

My trips to the rivers, where I learnt to swim and love the sound of running water, the animals, the wind and the rain. Horseback riding with my grandfather, José Cruz, in the mountains of San Isidro of Perez Zeledón, in those days a land of exuberant vegetation and virgin forests.

As a child my dream was to be able to paint or play the piano or dance ballet. I believe myself to be a very fortunate person and, with the help of God, since I started to paint I have had very good opportunities to exhibit my work: on three occasions in the National Museum and in other museums in Costa Rica and, abroad, in the First Biennale in the Museum of Cuenca, Ecuador, in Monaco, France, in Mexico where I received an honourable mention in the Museum of Modern Art in the Pedro Domec Biennale with my painting "Mestizaje (Being Mestizo)".

I have paintings in a museum in Germany, in the United States and in other countries.

I started to paint because I felt a great need to express myself and, when my youngest son turned six, I was able to dedicate time to myself every day as my children had grown up and I could develop the gifts which God had granted me and which I wished to share with others.